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Wärtsilä Controllable Pitch Propeller Systems References

Cabo de Hornos
Cabo de Hornos
Delivered in 2013, Cabo de Hornos is an advanced and versatile oceanographic and fisheries research vessel owned by the Chilean Navy.
Fishing Trawler for Strand Senior AS
The vessel will feature the Wärtsilä 31 engine and propulsion machinery. “We wanted to build a new vessel that...
Fishing vessel for Peter Hepsø Rederi AS
The fishing vessel will be powered by the Wärtsilä 31 engine and a complete propulsion system from...
Gitte Henning S349
Gitte Henning S349
The propulsion equipment package include a Wärtsilä 9L32 main engine with new design, gear, controllable pitch propeller (CPP),...
The MPV Hirta, launched in 2008, has a diesel electric propulsion system comprising three Wärtsilä 9L20 engines driving a reduction gear and...
HMNZS Wellington
HMNZS Wellington
Wärtsilä supplied the propulsion systems for the Royal New Zealand Navy’s seven vessel Project Protector which includes a 131m...
HMS Clyde Courtesy BAE Systems
HMS Clyde
The HMS Clyde is a Royal Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel commissioned in 2007. On this vessel, Wärtsilä supplied two controllable pitch...
JS INEOS INSIGHT - thumbnail
JS INEOS Insight
The highly advanced technological solutions that Wärtsilä provides makes these ships the most modern and environmentally...
The Libas, delivered 2004, is a combined purse seiner and trawler designed by Wärtsilä Ship Design for the future needs of the global pelagic...
LNG vessel for Knutsen OAS Shipping thumb
LNG vessel for Knutsen OAS Shipping
The latest development of the LNG infrastructure provides clear evidence of the increasing importance of LNG...
Normand Installer
Normand Installer
Delivered in 2006, the Offshore Construction Vessel Normand Installer by Wärtsilä Ship Design is equipped with a complete Wärtsilä...
Oceanic Vega
Oceanic Vega
The Oceanic Vega is a seismic research vessel christened in 2010. <br /><br />Innovative thinking has always been one of our...
 Comandante Toro Courtesy Chilean Navy Navy CoastGuard
PZM Comandante Toro
The Patrulleros de Zona Marítima (PZM) are a series of offshore patrol vessels being built for the Navies of Chile, Argentina...
The Quantus is a modern trawler designed and built for efficient fishing. The vessel incorporates a number of innovative ideas, including a...
The Reynaert entered service in 2007. The major part of the pumping power is delivered by the three Wärtsilä 6L26 engines. The ship is...
SAS AMATOLA - Copyright Blohm Voss GmbH
SAS Amatola
The SAS Amatola, commissioned in 2006, is the first of four South African Valour class frigates. These vessels have a ‘Waterjet and a...
Siem Pearl
Siem Pearl
The Siem Pearl became operational in August 2009. The Wärtsilä clean design hybrid solution consists of a combined diesel-electric and...
Sten Idun
Sten Idun
Sten Idun is a 16400 dwt Chemical Tanker with a Wärtsilä equipment package of engines, gear and propulsors. Sten Idun vas commissioned...
Stena Polaris
Stena Polaris
The Stena Polaris is a P-MAX tanker owned by Concordia Maritime. The vessel combines transport economy and flexibility with the very...
Tong xu
Tong Xu
The Tong Xu is a large trailer suction hopper dredger delivered in 2008. The vessel is equipped with a complete Wärtsilä package with two...
The Voyager is deployed in the Irish Sea. Pelagic trawlers are huge vessels built for deep sea fishing, with facilities for keeping the...