Powered by ammonia
Ammonia Fuel Supply Systems

Innovative and reliable systems that enables the use of Ammonia as fuel for 2-stroke consuming liquid ammonia, or 4-stroke consuming gas ammonia.

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Ammonia Fuel Supply Systems (AFSS) - Liquid or gaseous

The Ammonia Fuel Supply Systems (AFSS) is an innovative and reliable systems that enables the use of Ammonia as fuel and consequently a huge reduction in the vessels CO2 emissions. The use of Ammonia as marine fuel is likely to increase in the future and might be another step towards a greener society. Wärtsilä Gas Solutions AFSS systems are designed to be robust and reliable, even under the difficult maritime conditions.

  • Technical data

  • Applications

  • Key benefits

Technical data

For non-gas carriers (IGF-coded ships) the system can be configured with dedicated fuel storage tank(s) optimized for the trade of the vessel. The Ammonia fuel tank(s) is loaded through dedicated bunkering lines, or in case of a Ammonia/LPG carrier reloaded from the cargo tanks. From the fuel tank(s), the Ammonia is conditioned and prepared as fuel. A system consisting of pumps and heat exchanger is used to supply the engine with a stable and reliable fuel flow, at the correct pressure and temperature.

The AFSS systems are equipped with proven components, including the necessary purge gas treatment system. Due to the need for high cleanness of the fuel, proper filtering upstream is installed and embedded in the system.

  • The components are high quality parts, selected to ensure a high reliability.
  • Both low- and high-pressure pumps are fitted with standby units; 2x100% pumping capacity.
  • Unique catch tank design with Ammonia Release Mitigation System is minimizing the fuel gas release to atmosphere, ensuring emission reductions.


  • AFSS can be installed as integrated Cargo Handling and Fuel Supply System on VLGCs and MGCs, i.e. ships mainly carrying LPG but also able to trade with Ammonia as cargo. IGC coded ships.
  • AFSS can be installed as self-standing Fuel Supply System on IGF-coded ships with either low- or high-pressure systems or in a combination.

Key benefits

  • No CO2 emission compared to traditional fuel
  • Increased voyage efficiencies, less bunkering time (in case of Ammonia carrier)
  • Reducing air emissions (CO2, Sox, and particles)
  • Easy to store with correct safety measures
  • Almost zero SOx emission
  • No particles in the exhaust gas
  • Over 50 years experience for ammonia handling on ships
  • Ease of installation for all type of vessels
  • Suitable for both newbuilds and retrofits
  • Compact design allows small footprint and low weight

Liquid Ammonia Fuel Supply System

Liquid ammonia diagram

Integrated Ammonia Fuel System

Integrated ammonia fuel system diagram

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