Generating sets

Wärtsilä generating sets - Tailored to optimize performance

A wide range of generating sets, comprising generator and engine mounted on a common baseframe, are available for both service power generation and for diesel-electric propulsion.

Wärtsilä genset 20

Most Wärtsilä generating sets are designed for operating on standard marine fuel oils. Dual-fuel gensets are flexible when it comes to both gaseous and liquid fuels. The generating sets are resiliently mounted and the generator voltage can be selected. Larger diesel generators are delivered for separate mounting of the diesel engine and generator.

With the tightening emissions regulations, it makes sense to focus on future-proof choices: Wärtsilä’s efficient, fuel flexible gensets. They will provide power reliably and save you fuel.

Alternative fuel gensets

The Wärtsilä 25 Ammonia genset is a compact, reliable power source capable of running on ammonia, liquid biofuels and traditional marine fuels. (See W25A in the table.)
The Wärtsilä 32 Methanol genset is a powerhouse of a genset with state-of-the-art features. It runs on a wide range of liquid fuels, from heavy fuel oil (HFO) to methanol.

All gensets


    Wärtsilä 20DF generating setIMO Tier III
    Cylinder bore200 mmGenerator voltage0.4 - 13.8 kV
    Piston stroke280 mmGenerator efficiency0.95 - 0.96
    Cylinder output160, 185 kW/cylFuel specification:Fuel oil
    Speed1000, 1200 rpm700 cSt/50°C 
    Mean effective pressure22.0, 21.0 barISO 8217, category ISO-F-DMX, DMA  & DMB
    Piston speed9.3, 11.2 m/sBSEC 8390 kJ/kWh at ISO cond.
    BSGC 8220 kJ/kWh at ISO cond.
    20DF, Rated power
     60 Hz50 Hz
    Engine type195 kW/cyl, 1200 rpm160 kW/cyl, 1000 rpm
    Eng. kWGen. kWEng. kWGen. kW

    Dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine typeA*E*I*KL*Weight*
    * Dependent on generator type and size. 



    Wärtsilä 25DF generating set
    IMO Tier III 
    Cylinder bore250 mmGenerator voltage0.4 - 13.8 kV
    Piston stroke340 mmGenerator efficiency0.95-0.96
    Cylinder output315 / 345 kW/cylFuel specificationFuel oil
    Speed900 / 1000 rpm 6 cSt/40˚C
    Mean effective pressure25 bar  ISO 8217, category ISO-F-DMX, DMA, DFA, DMZ, DFZ. Biodiesel (FAME, HVO)
    Piston speed10.2 / 11.3 m/s BSEC 7560 kj/kWh at ISO conditions



    Wärtsilä 25DF, rated power    

     315 kW/cyl, 900 rpm345 kW/cyl, 1000 rpm
    Engine typeEng. kWGen. kW (0,96)Eng. kWGen. kW (0,96)



    Wärtsilä 25DF, dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine typeA*E*I*K*L*Weight




    Wärtsilä 31DF generating set
    IMO Tier III
    IMO Tier II in diesel w/o SCR
    Cylinder bore310 mmFuel specification: Natural gas
    Piston stroke430 mm700 cSt/50°C 
    Cylinder output580, 600 kW/cylISO 8217 category ISO-F-RMK 700
    Speed720, 750 rpm
    Mean effective pressure
    29.8, 29.6 bar
    SFOC (g/kWh) at ISO conditions   176.5 (diesel mode)
    Piston speed10.3, 10.75 m/sBSEC (kJ/kWh) at ISO conditions   7350 (gas mode)
    Generator voltage0.4-13,8 kV 
     Generator efficiency 0.95-0.97 
     31DF, Rated power
    Engine type
    60 Hz50 Hz
    580 kW/cyl, 720 rpm600 kW/cyl, 750 rpm
    Eng. kWGen. kWEng. kWGen. kW
    8V31DF4 6404 4504 8004 610
    10V31DF5 8005 5706 0005 760
    12V31DF6 9606 6807 2006 910
    14V31DF8 1207 7908 4008 060
    16V31DF9 2808 9109 6009 220
    Wärtsilä 31 Genset dimensions
    31 DF genset, dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine typeA*E*I* K* L*Weight 
    8V31DF9 4993 5941 7502 4005 00197.7
    10V31DF10 1673 5941 7502 4005 001109.7
    12V31DF11 6803 5941 8002 4004 944125.3
    14V31DF12 2043 5941 9002 4005 044142.1
    16V31DF12 8763 594 1 9002 4005 044155.2


    Wärtsilä 34DF generating setIMO Tier III, EPA T3
    Cylinder bore340 mmGenerator voltage0.4 - 13.8 kV
    Piston stroke400 mmGenerator efficiency0.95 - 0.97
    Cylinder output480, 500 kW/cylFuel specification:Fuel oil
    Speed720, 750 rpm700 cSt/50°C 
    Mean effective pressure22.0, barISO 8217, category ISO-F-DMX, DMA & DMB
    Piston speed9.6, 10.0 m/sBSEC 7590 kJ/kWh at ISO cond.
    BSGC 7490 kJ/kWh at ISO cond.
    34DF, Rated power
    60 Hz 50 Hz
    Engine type 480 kW/cyl, 720 rpm 500 kW/cyl, 750 rpm
    Eng. kW Gen. kW Eng. kW Gen. kW
    6L34DF 2880 2770 3000 2890
    8L34DF 3840 3490 4000 3840
    9L34DF 4320 4150 4500 4320
    12V34DF 5760 5530 6000 5770
    16V34DF 7680 7370 8000 7680

    34DF power-up version, Rated power
     Generating sets
    Cylinder configuration720 rpm (60Hz)
    Engine [kW]Generator [kW]

    Wärtsilä 34DF power-up version is available only for in-line auxiliary engines.
    34DF Genset Dimensions
    34DF, Dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine type A* E* I* K L* Weight*
    6L34DF 8700 2290 1450 2345 4000 57
    8L34DF 10410 2690 1630 2345 4180 76
    9L34DF 10475 2890 1630 2345 4180 87
    12V34DF 10075 3060 1700 2120 4365 96
    16V34DF 11175 3060 1850 2120 4515 121
    * Dependent on generator type and size.
    Generator output based on a generator efficiency of 96%.


    Available only in select regions.

    Wärtsilä 14 generating set
    IMO Tier II or III
    Cylinder bore 135 mm Generator voltage 0.4 - 0.69 kV
    Piston stroke 157 mm Generator efficiency 0.95 - 0.96
    Speed 1500, 1800rpm Fuel specification Light fuel oil, maximum sulphur content 0.5%
        ISO 8217, category ISO-F-DMX, DMA, DMZ
        SFOC 205,0 g/kWh at ISO condition
    Genset 14, Rated power, 60 Hz
    Engine type Eng. kW Gen. kW Eng. kW Gen. kW Eng. kW Gen. kW
    12V14 710 675 790 750 910 865
    16V14 945 900 1055 1000 1215 1155
    Genset 14, Rated power, 50 Hz
    Engine type Eng. kW Gen. kW Eng. kW Gen. kW
    12V14 710 675 790 750
    16V14 945 900 1055 1000
    Genset 14, Dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine type Length* Width* Height* Weight*
    12V14 3800 1480 1600 5,5
    16V14 4600 1540 1600 7,5
    *Dependent on generator type and size.


    Wärtsilä 20 generating set
    IMO Tier II or III
    Cylinder bore200 mmGenerator voltage0.4 - 13.8 kV
    Piston stroke280 mmGenerator efficiency0.95 - 0.96
    Cylinder output185, 200 kW/cylFuel specificationFuel oil
    Speed900, 1000rpm700 cSt/50°C
    Mean effective pressure27.3, 28.0barISO 8217, category ISO-F-RMK 700
    Piston speed8.4, 9.3m/sSFOC 190,3 g/kWh at ISO condition
    Genset 20, Rated power
    60 Hz 50 Hz
    Engine type 185 kW/cyl, 900 rpm 220 kW/cyl, 1200 rpm 200 kW/cyl, 1000 rpm
    Eng. kW Gen. kW  Eng. kW Gen. kW  Eng. kW Gen. kW
    4L20 740 700  - 800 760
    6L20 1110 1055 1320  1255  1200 1140
    8L20 1480 1405 1760 1670  1600 1520
    9L20 1665 1580 1980  1880 1800 1710
    Genset 20, Dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine type A* E* I* K L* Weight*
    4L20 4910 1770
    990 1800 2338 14.0
    6L20 5325 1770
    1800 2243
    8L20 6030 1920
    1800 2474
    9L20 6535 2070
    1800 2524
    * Dependent on generator type and size.


    Wärtsilä 25 generating set
    IMO Tier III 
    Cylinder bore250 mmGenerator voltage0.4 - 13.8 kV
    Piston stroke340 mmGenerator efficiency0.95-0.96
    Cylinder output345 / 375 kW/cylFuel specificationFuel oil
    Speed900 / 1000 rpm 6 cSt/40˚C
    Mean effective pressure28 / 27 bar  ISO 8217, category ISO-F-DMX, DMA, DFA, DMZ, DFZ. Biodiesel (FAME, HVO)
    Piston speed10.2 / 11.3 m/s SFOC 182,7 g/kWh at ISO conditions



    Wärtsilä 25, rated power    

     345 kW/cyl, 900 rpm375 kW/cyl, 1000 rpm
    Engine typeEng. kWGen. kW (0,96)Eng. kWGen. kW (0,96)


    Wärtsilä 25, dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine typeA*E*I*K*L*Weight




    Wärtsilä 26 generating setIMO Tier II or III
    Cylinder bore260 mmGenerator voltage0.4 - 13.8 kV
    Piston stroke320 mmGenerator efficiency0.95 - 0.96
    Cylinder output325, 340 kW/cylFuel specification:Fuel oil
    Speed900, 1000rpm700 cSt/50°C 
    Mean effective pressure23.0, 25.5 barISO 8217, category ISO-F-RMK 700
    Piston speed9.6, 10.7m/sSFOC 185,8 g/kWh at ISO condition
    Genset 26, Rated power
    60 Hz 50 Hz
    Engine type 325 kW/cyl, 900 rpm 340 kW/cyl, 1000 rpm
    Eng. kW Gen. kW Eng. kW Gen. kW
    6L26 1 950 1 870 2 040 1 960
    8L26 2 600 2 495 2 720 2 610
    9L26 2 925 2 810 3 060 2 940
    12V26 3 900 3 745 4 080 3 915
    16V26 5 200 4 990 5 440 5 220

    Genset 20 dimensions
    Genset 26, Dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine type A* E* I* K L* Weight*
    6L26 7 500 2 300 1 200 2 430 3 033 35
    8L26 8 000 2 300 1 200 2 430 3 068 45
    9L26 8 500 2 300 1 300 2 430 3 168 50
    12V26 8 400 2 700 1 560 2 765 3 686 60
    16V26 9 700 2 700 1 560 2 765 3 716 70
    * Dependent on generator type and size.


    Wärtsilä Genset 31IMO Tier III
    IMO Tier II w/o SCR
    Cylinder bore310 mmGenerator voltage0.4–13.8 kV
    Piston stroke430 mmGenerator efficiency0.95–0.97
    Cylinder output630/650 kW/cylFuel specification: Fuel oil
    Speed720, 750 rpm700 cSt/50⁰C 
    Mean effective pressure32.4 / 32.1 barISO 8217 category ISO-F-RMK 700 
    Piston speed10.3, 10.75 m/sSFOC 169.4 g/kWh at ISO conditions
    Genset 31, Rated power
    Engine type60 Hz50 Hz
    630 kW/cyl, 720 rpm650 kW/cyl, 750 rpm
    Eng. kWGen. kWEng. kWGen. kW
    8V315 0404 8405 2004 990
    10V316 3006 0506 5006 240
    12V317 5607 2607 8007 490
    14V318 8208 4659 1008 735
    16V3110 080  9 67510 400  9 985
    Wärtsilä 31 Genset dimensions
    Genset 31, Dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine typeA*E*I*KL*Weight*
    8V319 4993 5941 7502 4005 00197.3
    10V3110 1673 5941 7502 4005 001109.2
    12V3111 6803 5941 8002 4004 944124.7
    14V3112 2043 5941 9002 4005 044141.5
    16V3112 8763 5941 9002 4005 044154.5
    *Dependent on generator type and size.


    Wärtsilä 32 generating setIMO Tier II or III
    Cylinder bore320 mmGenerator voltage0.4 - 13.8 kV
    Piston stroke400 mmGenerator efficiency0.95 - 0.97
    Cylinder output560, 580 kW/cylFuel specification:Fuel oil
    Speed720, 750 rpm700 cSt/50°C 
    Mean effective pressure24.9, 25.9 barISO 8217, category ISO-F-RMK 700
    Piston speed9.6, 10.0 m/sSFOC 174 g/kWh at ISO condition
    Genset 32, Rated power
    Engine type60Hz/720rpm50 Hz/750 rpm
    560 kW/cyl580 kW/cyl
    Engine kWGen. kWEngine kWGen. kW
    6L323 3603 2303 4803 340
    8L324 4804 3004 6404 450
    9L325 0404 8405 2205 010
    12V326 7206 4506 9606 680
    16V328 9608 6009 2808 910
    Genset 20 dimensions
    Genset 32, Dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine type A* E* I* K L* Weight*
    6L32 8 345  2 490  1 450  2 345 3 745 57
    7L32  9 391  2 690  1 630  2 345 3 960 69
    8L32 10 410  2 690  1 630  2 345 4 010 76
    9L32 10 505  2 890  1 630  2 345 4 010 86
    12V32 10 700  3 060  1 700  2 120 4 130 100
    16V32 11 465  3 360  1 850  2 120 4 445 127
    * Dependent on generator type and size.


    Wärtsilä 25 Ammonia generating set
    IMO Tier III 
    Cylinder bore250 mmGenerator voltage0.4-13.8 kV
    Piston stroke340 mmGenerator efficiency0.95-0.96
    Cylinder output280 / 305 kW/cylFuel specificationFuel oil, Ammonia
    Speed900 / 1000 rpm 6 cSt/40˚C
    Mean effective pressure22 bar  ISO 8217, category ISO-F-DMX, DMA, DFA, DMZ, DFZ. Biodiesel (FAME, HVO)
    Piston speed10.2 / 11.3 m/s  



    Wärtsilä 25 Ammonia, rated power    

     280 kW/cyl, 900 rpm305 kW/cyl, 1000 rpm
    Engine typeEng. kWGen. kW (0,96)Eng. kWGen. kW (0,96)


    Wärtsilä 25 Ammonia, dimensions (mm) and weights (tonnes)
    Engine typeA*E*I*K*L*Weight



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