The Wärtsilä 26 was developed in response to a need in the market for a new engine in the 260 mm cylinder bore class. The shortest and lowest engine in its class, the Wärtsilä 26 requires minimal space in the engine room. A compact & light unit with low operating costs, also used for generating set applications.
Wärtsilä works in close co-operation with its customers when conducting field tests and monitoring selected test components. The Wärtsilä 26 has fewer parts, less maintenance requirements, low fuel consumption, reduced emission levels, and has the ability to run reliably on a variety of fuels.
The Wärtsilä 26 engine is fully compliant with the IMO Tier II exhaust emissions regulations set out in Annex VI of the MARPOL 73/78 convention.
Get technical data and system proposals for designing W26 marine engine installations.