USS Independence
The USS Independence (LCS 2) entered service in 2010 as the first of a series of initially ten. The vessel design is based on...
USNS Lewis and Clark
The USNS Lewis and Clark, commissioned in 2006, is the first vessel of fourteen vessels of the T-AKE Class operated by the...
Tonnerre BPC
Delivered in 2007, the Tonnerre BPC is the second ship of the Mistral Class, the French Navy's first all-electric warships. The...
USNS Spearhead
The USNS Spearhead is the first of the ten Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) supporting the US Navy, Marine Corps, and Army with the...
SAS Amatola
The SAS Amatola, commissioned in 2006, is the first of four South African Valour class frigates. These vessels have a ‘Waterjet and a...
Saad Subahi Class
The Subahi Class cutters are operated by the Kuwaiti Coast Guard since 2004. Each vessel is equipped with two Wärtsilä waterjets...
PZM Comandante Toro
The Patrulleros de Zona Marítima (PZM) are a series of offshore patrol vessels being built for the Navies of Chile, Argentina...
KV Barentshav
The KV Barentshav, a Norwegian coast guard vessel, has been in operation since 2009. This Wärtsilä Ship Design, VS 794 CGV vessel,...
HMS Daring
The HMS Daring, commissioned in 2009, is the first of six vessels of the new Type 45 class. Each Type 45 Destroyer has an IEP...
HMS Queen Elizabeth
The HMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship ever built for the Royal Navy. The prime movers selected for the generating sets are...
HMNZS Wellington
Wärtsilä supplied the propulsion systems for the Royal New Zealand Navy’s seven vessel Project Protector which includes a 131m...
HMS Clyde
The HMS Clyde is a Royal Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel commissioned in 2007. On this vessel, Wärtsilä supplied two controllable pitch...
HSV2 Swift
Retrofit Installation of Wärtsilä Jetguard composite seal system.