Merchant references

Discover Wärtsilä's merchant references

LNG carrier Dapeng Princess at the terminal
Dapeng Princess LNG carrier
An engine problem takes your ship out of service – who do you call? CLSICO called Wärtsilä, who fixed its LNG carrier in...
Reliquefaction system for Excelerate
Reliquefaction system for Excelerate
Wärtsilä Gas Solutions reliquefaction system to improve Excelerate Energy’s FSRU operations with retrofit...
Services agreement with GasLog
Services agreement with GasLog
Wärtsilä Gas Solutions service agreement will optimise liquefaction operations for five GasLog LNG Carriers​
CHS for a LNG bunkering vessel at SOE
CHS for a LNG bunkering vessel at SOE
Wärtsilä Gas Solutions continues to strengthen position in LNG bunkering segment with latest systems order for...
CHS for three 93k at Hanwha
CHS for three 93k at Hanwha
Wärtsilä Gas Solutions cargo handling system the choice for new Very Large Ammonia Carrier vessels​
CHS and Ammonia fuel - Exmar
CHS and Ammonia fuel - Exmar
Wärtsilä Gas Solutions ammonia fuel supply and cargo handling systems selected for two more EXMAR vessels at Hyundai...
3D illustration of new James Fisher and Sons plc tankers
James Fisher and Sons plc tankers
James Fisher is future proofing its new tankers with Wärtsilä dual-fuel engines – the perfect way to cut emissions...
Lady Hanneke
Lady Hanneke is an ice-class 1A vessel with a thick hull and an integrated Controllable Pitch Propeller system which achieves great...
new RoRo cargo ship Louis Dreyfus Armateurs image source: Louis Dreyfus Armateurs
Louis Dreyfus Armateurs
Methanol engines mean big cuts in emissions for Louis Dreyfus Armateurs‘ RoRos
Energy Spirit LNG carrier
JOVO Group
Five-year Lifecycle Agreement for JOVO Group
3D rendering Container ship W32 Methanol setup
COSCO Shipping Lines Co., Ltd
COSCO Shipping Lines chooses Wärtsilä 32 methanol engines
Vitol tanker
Vitol tankers
Wärtsilä EnergoFlow and Wärtsilä EnergoProFin solutions save 2 Vitol tankers 6% on annual fuel consumption and provide 16 days of free...
Hybrid solution for Aasen Shipping's modern bulk carrier
Aasen Shipping
Hybrid solution delivers big fuel savings, reliability and outstanding performance for Aasen Shipping's modern self-discharging bulk...
Misje Vita
Hybrid solution including engine, batteries, propeller and energy management system delivers big fuel savings for Misje Rederi's newbuild...
Erik Thun AB
For Erik Thun Group, the Wärtsilä 25 engine was the right way to achieve high environmental performance in the long term for four new...
MMS Co., Ltd.
By spotting a lubricating system anomaly, Wärtsilä Expert Insight service prevented tens of thousands of euros worth of damage to an...
A Wärtsilä Vasa 32 engine upgrade and Wärtsilä EnergoProFin help bulk carrier cut fuel use and emissions by 10% and meet IMO Tier II NOx...
Seapeak Maritime
LNG carriers at Seapeak Maritime get the Wärtsilä UNIC engine control system. The result: increased engine reliability and safety,...
Fure Viten
With a range of integrated Wärtsilä solution onboard, Swedish tanker Fure Viten has already surpassed the IMO’s 2050 emissions targets.
MV Henrike
The installation of controllable pitch propeller (CPP) blades along with a new control system on the MV Henrike led to fuel savings of...
Gunvor Maersk
The Gunvor Maersk’s upgraded control system is state of the art, with several new features to make maintenance and updates easier,...
Aurora Spirit thumb
Aurora Spirit
Spotting problems before they occure with Wärtsilä Expert Insight
Tarbit Shipping thumbnail
Bit Viking
The 25,000 dwt tanker ‘Bit Viking’ is the first vessel ever to have been converted from heavy fuel oil to liquefied natural gas (LNG)...
akerbiomarine reference thumb
Hybrid solutions for Aker BioMarine support vessel
Wärtsilä’s sustainable technical and hybrid solutions, with high levels of safety and...
Marfin HY Bulker reference thumb
Hybrid installation for the bulk carrier ‘Paolo Topic’
The integrated solution delivers a drastic reduction in fuel consumption and maintenance...
The most environmentally friendly shuttle tanker
Wärtsilä has collaborated with the shipping company to apply a broad range of solutions for a new...
Compact Reliq for Knutsen LNG carriers
The easy to install solution is designed to reliquefy the boil-off gas (BOG) from gas carriers and LNG bunker...
LPG Fuel Supply System
Wärtsilä LPG Fuel Supply System (LFSS) retrofitted to BW LPG’s very large gas carrier (VLGC) vessels.
Specialised cargo handling system design for VLEC
The Wärtsilä systems include a highly efficient reliquefaction unit and a unique high-pressure...
Technical and remote support for Teekay vessels
Eight LNG Carrier vessels owned by the global Teekay Group all have 5-year Wärtsilä LNG Support...
LNG Cargo System for bunker barge
LNG Cargo Handling System for a new 5400 m3 LNG bunker barge.
GasLog Ltd.
Optimised Maintenance for the fleet of 15 LNG vessels
Knutsen OAS reference thumb
Two new shuttle tankers for the KNOT Group
Wärtsilä Gas Solutions provided its Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Recovery System, together with an...
LNG vessel for Knutsen OAS Shipping thumb
LNG vessel for Knutsen OAS Shipping
The latest development of the LNG infrastructure provides clear evidence of the increasing importance of LNG...
Industrial Skipper
Successful shaft generator system sea trials for Argo Coral Maritime.
Danae C.
Danaos Shipping, one of the world's largest independent owners of containerships, chose Wärtsilä’s SAMCon shore connection for their...
Khalid Faraj Shipping
The Abu Dhabi based company has put their trust in Wärtsilä’s seals and bearings for many years.
Hapag Lloyd container vessels
Proven operability for 10 Hapag Lloyd vessels
La Mancha Knutsen thumbnail
La Mancha Knutsen
Reduced engine running hours for Knutsen Shipping LNG vessels
Gaschem Beluga
LEG Carrier delivered on time thanks to fast-track commissioning of Wärtsilä system.
Balticborg and Bothniaborg
Royal Wagenborg, the Dutch ship owner and operator, has installed Wärtsilä scrubber systems to clean the exhaust...
El Coquí and Taíno
El Coquí and Taíno will be the very first LNG powered, American flagged, container RoRo ships. They will operate between...
WSD80 Marlin Blue
WSD 80 : Marlin series
The MARLIN series delivers approximately 30 percent improved fuel efficiency per TEU carried, improved capacity and slow...
The AQUARIUS® UV Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) was installed onboard the Twister, a Chemgas BV owned LPG carrier.<br /><br /> For...
Merchant Tarago
MV Theben
The RoRo vessel MV Theben is one of the two recently delivered ships with Wärtsilä EGC systems, owned by a Japanese shipowner and...
Sten Idun
Sten Idun
Sten Idun is a 16400 dwt Chemical Tanker with a Wärtsilä equipment package of engines, gear and propulsors. Sten Idun vas commissioned...
Stena Polaris
Stena Polaris
The Stena Polaris is a P-MAX tanker owned by Concordia Maritime. The vessel combines transport economy and flexibility with the very...
Schiffko CV7300
The ‘SCHIFFKO CV 7300’, a Post-Panamax Container vessel with fully cellular cargo holds, has more than 7300 TEU container capacity...
Schiffko CV400
The ‘SCHIFFKO CV 400’ is a container vessel with fully cellular cargo holds, and has more than 400 TEU of container capacity. This...
SCHIFFKO CV 1300  - thumbnail
The ‘SCHIFFKO CV 1300’, a Multipurpose / Container vessel with fully cellular cargo holds, reinforced for carrying heavy loads,...
When taken into service in 2006, the 154,000 m3 LNG carrier Provalys was the largest LNG carrier in existence.<br /><br /> This modern LNG...
Port Feeder Barge SD - thumbnail image
Port Feeder Barge
This innovative design for a self-propelled container barge from Wärtsilä Ship Design is an environmentally sound option for sea...
Delivered in 2009, the 318,000 dwt Leonidas features a machinery installation incorporating a Wärtsilä 7RT-flex82T. The vessel is also...
Jolly Diamante
Jolly Diamante
Wärtsilä has supplied the open loop scrubber systems for four new 45,000 dwt Ro‑Ro ships for Italian owner Ignazio Messina & Co.<br...
JS INEOS INSIGHT - thumbnail
JS INEOS Insight
The highly advanced technological solutions that Wärtsilä provides makes these ships the most modern and environmentally...