Wärtsilä LNGPac™ is a complete Fuel Gas Supply System for the LNG fuelled ships and includes several modules including, but not limited to, the storage LNG tank, the bunker station, the process equipment as well as the control and monitoring system. Wärtsilä can deliver tailored-made or standard LNG systems for any type of ships, integrated with the rest of the Wärtsilä portfolio and with features designed to optimize the energy efficiency on board.
Technical data
The Wärtsilä LNGPac™ system is based on an IMO type C LNG storage tank with either double walled vacuum or single walled polyurethane insulation. Bunkering takes place from the bunkering station to the LNG tank via an insulated pipe. All necessary process equipment is installed in a separate unit which can be either mounted directly to the LNG tank or placed remotely from the LNG tank. The main process equipment ensures correct gas temperature and pressure for the engines and other gas consumers.
The LNGPac system can be customised to the needs of each project on a case to case basis. Dedicated engineering is conducted from the beginning of the project to match the specific operational requirements, safety- and classification society requirements.
Wärtsilä can deliver LNG systems for propulsion and power generation for any applicable types of ship or engine, either as a standalone product or as a part of a complete propulsion system.
Current references include the following ship types: