On September 6th, 2018, Wärtsilä Italia donated a SEABIN, the innovative marine rubbish collector, to the Trieste branch of the Naval League. Wärtsilä has been a partner of the "Seabin Project" since 2017. The Seabin collects floating rubbish from the surface of the water, up to a weight of 12kg, after which it has to be emptied manually. Hypothetically, this means each container could eliminate over 20,000 bottles, or the equivalent of 83,000 plastic bags, in a single year of use. This is a substantial outcome in terms of environmental protection.
The press conference was opened by Pierpaolo Scubini, the President of the Trieste branch of the Naval League. He thanked Wärtsilä Italia for the donation, which perfectly aligns with the mission of the Italian Naval League to preserve the maritime and inland waters environment. "Today we're celebrating not only the installation of the Seabin, but also the official launch of a clean-up operation for the surface water around the service building" explained Scubini.
Then it was the turn of Guido Barbazza, President and Managing Director of Wärtsilä Italia, who outlined how our company is enabling sustainable societies, today more than ever before: "Wärtsilä is supporting and promoting this project, which is an innovative, simple and cost-efficient effort to resolve a problem which affects us all: the pollution of our seas. In donating this Seabin to the Naval League, Wärtsilä Italia is affirming its commitment to the fight against marine pollution and to protecting the seas, which belong to all of us. From today and until October 14th, the 50th anniversary of Trieste's world-famous 'Barcolana' regatta, we will be at the forefront of efforts to promote eco-friendly sustainable initiatives."
Also speaking at the press conference was Gabriella Moseni, the President of the Cral Insiel Trophy, who endorsed and introduced the Seabin: "As the President of the Cral Insiel Trophy, I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our dedication to the fight against the ongoing pollution of our sea. This is what inspired me to contact Wärtsilä two months ago, having seen their global efforts in support of the Seabin project. I hope this donation will move us towards an understanding that, by joining forces, we can fight to safeguard our unique sea!"
The final word was given to Maurizio Spoto, Director of the Miramare Marine Nature Reserve, who described the alarming levels of garbage in the sea: "90% of the garbage in the sea is made of plastics which enter the food chain either whole or broken down, even reaching our tables, as well as causing the deaths of sea creatures. Among these, for example, are tortoises and dolphins which suffocate on pieces of nylon which they mistake for jellyfish. There is a plastic crisis throughout the Mediterranean, including in the Gulf of Trieste. The Marine Nature Reserve of Miramare, managed by WWF Italy, raises awareness and educates towards reusing and recycling land-based rubbish as the only way to reduce the amount of plastic in the oceans. We also carry out research and monitoring in an attempt to identify the quantity and source of the rubbish which washes up on the shores of the Gulf of Trieste".
"Dorotea" is a fish made from plastic objects by volunteers of the Cral Insiel Trophy. This symbol of the fight against marine plastic pollution will be with us for the Barcolana.
The press conference, attended by members of the local authorities, followed the official launch of the Seabin in front of a large crowd, including excited children, graduates of the Naval League's sailing course, who got to experience the work of the marine rubbish collector first-hand.
Watch the report of the TG3 Regione