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 Uncovering the hidden value of reciprocating engines

Decarbonizing the power grid is critical to slowing or stopping climate change, but outdated grid modeling practices do not reflect the modern grid's needs. Hourly modeling devalues flexible, dispatchable energy resources like reciprocating engines and battery storage, making them appear to be more expensive and less valuable. However, sub-hourly modeling can better reveal the optimum mix of generation assets to lower carbon emissions and reduce costs by drilling down to the five-minute increments where energy variability often occurs.

Wärtsilä’s reciprocating engines can respond to any grid needs within five minutes and maintain high performance under extreme operating conditions. They are fuel-flexible and can be easily powered off and on to reduce emissions during peak wind or solar energy availability. As utilities move toward decarbonized energy, RICEs can deliver greater value than fossil fuel alternatives, and sub-hourly modeling proves it.


Wärtsilä, Burns & McDonnell Interview on sub-hourly grid modeling with Power Engineering