Petroamazonas + Wärtsilä

Reference case

A complete gas power plant solution for the oil and gas industry

An 85 MW Wärtsilä baseload power plant is operating on the Eden-Yuturi oil field development site in Eastern Ecuador. The plant is owned and operated by Petroamazonas EP and located in the Ecuador Oriente jungle at the Napo river.

Power was needed for both the drilling sites, the production wells, the central processing facility and for the export pipeline boosting pumps for the 70,000 bpd field.

Today the Wärtsilä power plant supplies 85 MW of reliable power to these facilities via a medium voltage 13.8 kV grid. The power plant was built in five phases. Phase 1 was delivered 2002 and comprised four Wärtsilä 18V32LN generating sets running on crude oil. Phase 2 was delivered 2004 and comprised three Wärtsilä 18V34SG generating sets running on associated gas coming from the CPF. Phases 3, 4 and 5, delivered in 2007, 2008 and 2012, added six more Wärtsilä 18V32 generating sets running on crude oil.

In June 2010, Wärtsilä was awarded the contract to convert the first four Wärtsilä engines into Wärtsilä 18V32GD, gas-diesel engines, utilising associated gas as the main fuel, with crude oil as the pilot and back-up fuel. The aim of the conversion was to mitigate the plant’s environmental impact and to take advantage of the available associated gas for power production. Wärtsilä was co-developing the project under the United Nations’ Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to enable the project to access carbon financing. Wärtsilä was also awarded a two-year Operations Advisory and Maintenance contract.

WhoPetroamazonas EP
What85 MW Eden Yuturi power station
WhereOriente Jungle, Ecuador
How4X18V32LN converted into 4X18V32GD, 3X18V34SG, 6X18V32

This is what we achieved


MW power plant to ensure full pumping operation, drilling and production wells, and the central processing facility.


Wärtsilä engines converted into Wärtsilä 18V32GD, gas-diesel engines, utilising associated gas as the main fuel, with crude oil as the pilot and back-up fuel.

How we did it

Challenge icon


  • Need to power the drilling sites, the production wells, the central processing facility and to boosting pumps for the 70,000 bpd field
  • Remote location with challenging infrastructure
Solution icon


  • 85 MW of reliable generation to power customer facilities via a medium voltage 13.8 kV grid
  • 4X18V32LN Wärtsilä engines converted into 4X18V32GD
Benefit icon


  • Wärtsilä multi-fuel power plant with high operational flexibility
  • Lower operating and lifecycle costs
  • Supported by Wärtsilä Lifecycle solutions

The main details

CustomerPetroamazonas EP
TypePower generation for Oil & gas industry
WhereOriente Jungle, Ecuador
Total output85 MW
FuelCrude oil
ScopeConstruction, conversion and operation
Delivery 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2012



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