World-first engine test to convert sugarcane into clean power
Wärtsilä 25 engine with NextDF feature to minimise methane emissions for new Ibaizabal LNG Bunkering vessel
Decisions taken by Wärtsilä's Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors
Wärtsilä introduces next-generation engine to balance renewables and improve power plant performance
Deploying balancing power could accelerate India’s energy transition and save €65 trillion globally by 2050: New Wärtsilä report
Wärtsilä launches world’s first large-scale 100% hydrogen-ready engine power plant
Nodal Officer Pursuant to 5(8) and 7(2B) of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority
(Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016.
Srinivas Sankaranarayanan